Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de bait

to baitcebar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I baityo cebo
you baittú cebas
he baitsél ceba
she baitsella ceba
we baitnosotros cebamos
you baitvosotros cebáis
they baitellos ceban
they baitellas ceban

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I baitedyo cebé
you baitedtú cebaste
he baitedél cebó
she baitedella cebó
we baitednosotros cebamos
you baitedvosotros cebasteis
they baitedellos cebaron
they baitedellas cebaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have baitedyo he cebado
you have baitedtú has cebado
he has baitedél ha cebado
she has baitedella ha cebado
we have baitednosotros hemos cebado
you have baitedvosotros habéis cebado
they have baitedellos han cebado
they have baitedellas han cebado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had baitedyo había cebado
you had baitedtú habías cebado
he had baitedél había cebado
she had baitedella había cebado
we had baitednosotros habíamos cebado
you had baitedvosotros habíais cebado
they had baitedellos habían cebado
they had baitedellas habían cebado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will baityo cebaré
you will baittú cebarás
he will baitél cebará
she will baitella cebará
we will baitnosotros cebaremos
you will baitvosotros cebaréis
they will baitellos cebarán
they will baitellas cebarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have baitedyo habré cebado
you will have baitedtú habrás cebado
he will have baitedél habrá cebado
she will have baitedella habrá cebado
we will have baitednosotros habremos cebado
you will have baitedvosotros habréis cebado
they will have baitedellos habrán cebado
they will have baitedellas habrán cebado

I would baityo cebaría
you would baittú cebarías
he would baitél cebaría
she would baitella cebaría
we would baitnosotros cebaríamos
you would baitvosotros cebaríais
they would baitellos cebarían
they would baitellas cebarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have baitedyo habría cebado
you would have baitedtú habrías cebado
he would have baitedél habría cebado
she would have baitedella habría cebado
we would have baitednosotros habríamos cebado
you would have baitedvosotros habríais cebado
they would have baitedellos habrían cebado
they would have baitedellas habrían cebado

Participio presenteAnotado
baiting cebando

Participio pasadoAnotado
baited cebado

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